Advanced Excel for Accountants

CPEs : 5.5

Get ready to take your Excel skills to a whole new level! This course builds on our Microsoft Excel Bootcamp and teaches you all the advanced functions you need to dominate any spreadsheet.

Access all courses starting at $25/m

Course Objective:

Becoming an Excel Wizard is guaranteed to put you ahead of your peers. In this course, we’ll spend quite a bit of time learning keyboard shortcuts to maximize your efficiency in Excel. After this, you’ll learn advanced functions such as INDEX/MATCH, MAX, MIN, and other powerful analysis tools.

We finish by learning advanced PivotTable functionalities and Macros. As with all our courses, we’ve left out all the fluff and get right to the heart of Excel.

At completion, you’ll have the tools to conquer any analysis, regardless of your industry or role.

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Some key things you’ll learn:

Keyboard shortcuts​

Named Ranges

Advanced reference formulas

Advanced PivotTable

Intro to Macros

And more!

We also recommend taking our Excel VBA Macros Bootcamp which is a fantastic complement to this course. Or if you need a quick refresher on some of the basics, checkout our Microsoft Excel Bootcamp

Access all courses starting at $25/m

Additional Info:


3-6 minute videos, quizzes, and a final exam.

Field of study

Computer Software & App

