Stats for Data Analytics

CPEs : 5.5

Stats is the foundation of data analytics. But don’t worry, this stats course cuts out all those complicated formulas and theories and gets right to the heart of stats. No stats background needed!

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Course Objective:

Stats is the foundation of data analytics. You need to know it in order to master your data. But don’t worry, this stats course cuts out all those complicated formulas and theories and gets right to the heart of stats. No stats background needed! We cover descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and even go through a single-variable regression analysis. This course will give you all of the tools to begin analyzing your data.

At completion, you’ll know how to analyze your data using a regression analysis.

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Some key things you’ll learn:

Descriptive statistics

Single-variable regression analysis

Confidence interval estimates

Inferential statistics

Histograms and scatter plots

We recommend taking our Intro to Data Analytics in conjunction with this course.

Access all courses starting at $25/m

Additional Info:


3-6 minute videos, quizzes, and a final exam

Field of study

Specialized Knowledge

